Office of Institutional Research and Planning

Office of Institutional Research and Planning


The Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) of The George Washington University serves the information and analytics needs of the University community in a timely manner. IRP conducts advanced data analysis and research for supporting University decision-makers in developing plans to achieve University goals and objectives. IRP analyzes and interprets a wide variety of institutional and external data to assess institutional outcomes and performance towards strategic planning goals, evaluate student learning outcomes for improvement, and as the clearinghouse for official University data, responds to external requests for information. All the office data and analytic protocols abide by the FERPA and GW’s Privacy of Personal Information Policy in protecting the University data and privacy.



student enrollment data dashboard

Interactive Report - Enrollment

This dashboard provides 10-years data for GW official student enrollment information with numerous filtering possibilities. Click on the dashboard title to learn more about our students and create your own enrollment table.